Helping a million farmers improve their profitability via improved soil health.
Carbon Intensity,
Services by Continuum Ag
45ZCG-GREET & USDA Feedstock Press Conference
Breaking News!
The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) has issued information that could pertain to the yet to be finalized 45Z tax credit for low-carbon intensity biofuels! Specifically, the USDA released their Technical Guidelines for Climate-Smart Agriculture Crops Used as Biofuel Feedstocks interim final rule. Additionally, the USDA has released a new biofuel feedstock calculator for determining on-farm CI Scores! Additionally, the US Department of Energy has released their new 45ZCF-GREET Model, which is named in the IRS language to be the anticipated model used for calculating the 45Z credit. Join us to discuss the implications of the newly released guidance.
Watch the latest press conference today as we dive into all the details!
Get Your CI Score for FREE!
We are excited to announce that farmers can now get their CI Score for FREE from
A Carbon Intensity Score gives a real, concrete number that measures the carbon footprint. Without an actual CI score, you’re essentially guessing about your carbon footprint – and could end up applying efforts and resources in the wrong direction.
Knowing your CI Score helps ensure you get the most bang for your buck for all the practices you are already doing to be sustainable on your farm.
Who is Continuum Ag?
Continuum Ag is on a mission to help a million farmers improve their profitability via improved soil health, utilizing TopSoil to streamline the process.
Recently, Continuum introduced its latest innovation, CI Certification. This product enables farmers to earn premiums for producing lower carbon grain while ensuring secure data control.
What is Carbon Intensity?
For example: the CI Score of 0.0 means the bushel is net carbon neutral. Premium payments for lower carbon grains encourage growers to implement practices that lower carbon emissions and ultimately result in lower CI Scores.
Folks Who Know Farming, Know Us.
Mitchell Hora founded Continuum Ag in 2015 as an agricultural consulting company, specializing in the Haney Soil Health Test.
Today, Continuum Ag is a soil health data intelligence company using a proprietary tool, called TopSoil® which enables farmers to profit from improving their soil health.
Let's Talk Low-Carbon Grain
Continuum Ag’s CEO & Founder Mitchell Hora will answer your questions every Tuesday morning from 7:45 – 8:15 AM CST.
CI Chit Chat is a weekly morning talk show that will provide updates on everything related to Carbon Data and gives you the opportunity to ask questions about low-carbon grain, CI Scores & CI Certification.
CI Certification
Powered by TopSoil®
Our CI Certification product from TopSoil is made for farmers, from farmers. CI Certification helps farmers get paid a premium for low-carbon grain.
Continuum Ag provides the easy button for aggregating data, allowing you to earn a premium on your corn and soybean crop. Farmers still own their data, we simply provide the method for farmers to get paid.
Continuum Ag – Our Experience
With a realization that traditional agronomic consulting only addressed the chemical soil component, Continuum Ag has differentiated itself by recognizing that the soil’s physical and biological aspects must be addressed as well through a more holistic approach to sustainable and regenerative agriculture.
Improve Yield and Profitability with Continuum Ag
From our on-the-ground soil sampling to our one-of-a-kind TopSoil® tool software, we offer an array of services to get you started on the right foot with regenerative, sustainable ag that will boost your yield and boost your profits.
TopSoil® Software
Our TopSoil® software tool helps us give farmers the direction and freedom to make sound agronomic decisions.
Regen Roadmap®
A detailed, customized roadmap showing how to implement proper regenerative agriculture to ensure best practices.
RightWay® Program
Our innovative soil sampling system provides an up-to-date detailed analysis that improves fertility management.
Engage, teach, and inspire.
Continuum Ag is working to engage, teach, and inspire farmers across the nation to better understand what’s going on under their feet, and utilizing the power of technology to do so.