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From the Farm Up.

Our CI Certification Program is Made for Farmers, by Farmers.

What is CI Certification?

Our CI Certification product from TopSoil is made for farmers, from farmers. This product aggregates farm data to showcase grower’s investment of time, effort, and energy.

This product showcases the growers investment of time, effort and energy placed on aggregating their farm data. It is the “easy button” for estimating the value of farming practices and carbon footprint impact.

Farmers will always own and be in-control of their data; Continuum Ag supplies a secure method for farmers to get paid for their efforts.

Corn on the Hora Family Farm

Receive Your Premium with CI Certification

Just as organic growers must certify their crops to demand a higher price, grain producers wishing to maximize their profitability by lowering CI Scores need to be able to do the same. Continuum Ag has made this possible through our TopSoil® platform.

TopSoil® was made for farmers, by farmers. CI Certification helps farmers get paid a premium for low-carbon grain. This product aggregates farm data to showcase a grower’s investment of time and effort, and helps earn them a premium for practices they might already be doing on the farm.

It is the “easy button” for estimating the value of farming practices and carbon footprint impact. Farmers will always own and be in control of their data; Continuum Ag supplies a secure method for farmers to get paid for their efforts.

CI Certification is changing the game. 

Here is a quick example of how this producer can maximize the ROI on their farms:

CI Certification ROI Impact

Farmer Example:
1,500 acres of corn,
200 APH 
& default farming practices

CI Baseline = 20.7*

45z biofuel tax credit value = $135,000 ($0.45/bu)**

* CI Score based on model defaults for Washington County, IA

** Value to biofuel industry starting in January 2025

Download the Fact Sheet

Mitchell Explains The 'What' and 'How' of CI Certification

Step-by-Step Guide to CI Certification from Continuum Ag:

CI Certification Customer Journey from Continuum Ag shows you all the steps needed to get paid for your Low-CI Grain.

CI Certification Pricing

How much does it cost to get my CI Certification?

Our pre-season pricing is $7/acre. We anticipate prices will increase as we get closer to harvest.

What do you get when you purchase CI Certification?

CI Certification is for farmers who want to earn a premium for a low-carbon grain but do not know how to participate or get paid. To capture the premiums associated with a low CI grain, farmers must provide specific data to validate practices that have occurred. Continuum Ag provides an easy button to aggregate this data to earn a premium. Farmers still own their data; we simply provide the method for farmers to get paid for it. 


  • Estimated CI Score with the industry value associated with the score.
  • Personalized CI Score calculator tool which shows you how you could lower your score by incorporating different practices.
  • You will be assigned a Region Success Agronomist (RSA) who will check in with you regularly to help you document the actuals happening on the farm.
  • We will provide direct connectivity to verifying institutions to help you receive the verification required to sell your low CI grain for a premium.

Have questions about CI Certification?

We have answers!

Once you get your CI Score, you can enroll in the CI Certification process. A dedicated representative will develop a customized plan for your crops, ensuring easy assessment of your CI Score with flexibility for adjustments. To validate your score, we utilize documentation and involve external verifiers who certify the accuracy of your provided data.

We charge $7 per acre to get CI Certified. You start by creating a Farm Profile on TopSoil.Ag where we guide you through the implementation of your agronomic plan. This involves documenting field-by-field activities and incorporating supporting documentation such as shape files and receipts.

After starting with a survey, you must provide proof at the end of the harvest. The following year, we submit this information to our third-party verifier at no extra cost. The verifier conducts bulk verification for all farms, and we work in collaboration with the ethanol plant to ensure your grain receives its rightful value.