Soil health and management the RightWay®.

Mitchell Hora and David Hora walking through corn

Save more than $46.94 per acre on fertilizer.

Our RightWay® soil sampling helps farmers avoid overapplying (and wasting money on) environmentally-unfriendly fertilizer that is never used by the plant.

Unlike traditional soil sampling, our superior method measures both organic and inorganic nutrients, which provides a complete understanding of how much plant-available NPK is in your soil. By having a clearer picture of all available nutrients, our customers are confident in cutting their fertilizer rates to a level that will still achieve maximum yields and maximum profits.

Seed that is getting ready to be planted on the farm in Southeast, Iowa

On average, RightWay® users reduce 45 units of N, 16 units of P, and 105 units of K while maintaining yields.

What is our method?

Our RightWay® Program replaces the current grid soil sampling system with a detailed analysis that improves on-farm fertility management. Using our TopSoil platform, we run an in-field variability analysis to create a zone sampling map. We submit the soil samples to our partner lab, which is the world leader in Haney testing.

The Haney Test uses an extractant that mimics the natural process of root exudates extracting nutrients from the soil. The Haney Test also measures biological activity in the soil. Our RightWay® soil sampling program provides growers with lower, more accurate fertilizer recommendations, saving them money while maintaining yield.

Continuum Ag CEO with holding healthy soil
Soil Sampling takes place in the fields of Southeast, Iowa.

What’s included?

  1. A spatial analysis of your field and computer-generated zones to depict variability. The average zone size is 10-acres.
  2. On-site soil sampling and shipment to our partner lab.
  3. Soil data maps on TopSoil® and lab results  in an excel spreadsheet.
  4. A meeting with one of our expert Agronomists for a detailed explanation of the results.
  5. Custom variable rate fertilizer recommendations on TopSoil and in shapefile format.

Contact us today to learn more about how you can benefit from the RightWay® program.

RightWay Soil Sampling

Cost: $12/acre + travel (if necessary)

Soil Sampling Description: This product is for farmers interested in quantifying their soil health and receiving variable rate fertilizer recommendations through soil sampling. RightWay soil sampling measures both organic and inorganic nutrients, which provides a complete understanding of how much plant available NPK is in the soil. Unlike traditional sampling, farmers will receive nitrogen recommendations along with P&K. RightWay soil sampling prevents farmers from over-applying (and wasting money on) fertilizer that is never utilized by the plant.

What to expect?

  • A spatial analysis of your field and computer-generated zones to depict variability.
  • The pricing includes on- site soil sampling, shipment to lab, and all  of the lab fees.
  • Digital maps on TopSoil.Ag showing soil data. Your lab results can also be available in an excel spreadsheet with a clear explanation of all your measured items.
  • Custom variable rate fertilizer recommendations via TopSoil.Ag and downloadable in shapefiles