Continuum Ag Launches Billion Bushel Challenge

The sun sets on a successful corn harvest in Southeast Iowa.

Farmers take Charge with Carbon Intensity Scores; Empowering Visibility, Control, and Rewards with Low Carbon Intensity Grain Needed for BioFuel Production.

Washington, Iowa — November 20, 2023 — With an estimated 6 Billion Bushels being used for Ethanol production next year, Continuum Ag has set their sights on helping the industry SCORE (Carbon Intensity Score) over a billion bushels in 2024.  The Billion Bushel Challenge initiative helps support the Continuum Ag’s mission and vision as a company, to help a million farmers improve their profitability via improved soil health. 

“This is the start of something very big, and we are excited to partner with our fellow farmers to help them see the value in what we already are doing today, now is the time to be rewarded for producing low CI grain,” said Continuum’s VP of Sales & Seventh generation Iowa Heritage farmer, Chad Scebold. “Together, we will help empower their data and control the narrative – visibility and rewards make it worth a grower’s effort to implement sustainable farming practices to their operation.” 

With the incoming Section 45Z Tax Credits, biofuel manufacturers aim to earn 2025 tax credits by creating low carbon fuel. Currently, grain is the major influencer of biofuel’s CI score, according to the US Department of Energy, however, grains can be grown in low carbon systems and could ultimately be carbon intensity negative.  The Billion Bushel Challenge drives awareness and participation around low carbon grain needed for biofuel producing, giving Farmers the visibility they need, the control of their premiums & the reward they deserve for growing low CI grain.

“Continuum Ag is working to activate and encourage farmers across the nation to better understand what’s going on under their feet and utilizing the power of technology to do so,” says Continuum Ag’s Founder & CEO Mitchell Hora. “I’m incredibly bullish on the carbon intensity concept and can’t wait to see it play out beyond the biofuel market.”

Biofuels need low CI grain from farmers and farmers need biofuels, Continuum Ag believes that now is the time for farmers to lead the charge with the Billion Bushel Challenge to ensure visibility, control, and rewards.

For More Information, Contact:
Director of Marketing, Diana Rich   l   855.805.5700

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