Farm Flight – Imagery Simplified

Satellite images from Farm Flight, a feature that is available in Topsoil.

Farm Flight has provided Continuum Ag with actionable imagery data on some of our client’s fields for the past two years. We are excited to share some of the advantages they provide with you!

Farm Flight uses UAV and satellite imagery to provide a wide range of data over several spectral layers including NDVI, RGB and thermal. Photos using these bands with a 1-3cm resolution give us an up close and personal knowledge of how our practices and management procedures are working.

Farm Flight Imagery - NDVI Map
This map in particular is an NDVI map showing the chlorophyll content on one of our fields with two rye varieties growing side by side. The majority of the field is planted with a standard cereal rye that was terminated earlier this spring. The large green strip is Elbon rye that is being double cropped over soybeans. From this photo we can conclude that the Elbon rye is starting to mature within the center of our strip while the margins are holding on just a little bit longer because of the moisture content. A few other notable pieces of this map include the dark red margins outside of the Elbon strip and along some of the field end rows. We have concluded this to be terminated cereal rye that is standing taller than the majority of terminated cover crop due to wind resistance from the Elbon rye in the center and fence row to the west. Also seen in this map is the strips of cover vs. no-cover trial on the east end of the field. Here we can see the soybeans growing without any significant ground cover in some strips. When harvest comes around we can infer much of our data based on how the crop and cover crop grow giving us more insight on how our agricultural systems work all thanks to Farm Flight.

In these two photos we can observe Farm Flights accurate stand count feature. On this particular field we have three separate corn varieties planted at different populations. In the first map we can observe the NDVI data of the farm with significant difference in chlorophyll content within the strips in contrast to the majority of the acres. In the second photo we can see how the high resolution really goes to work to accurately map individual plants. By utilizing Farm Flights tools, we can observe how the different varieties match up even when planted at variable rates.

At Continuum Ag we are always searching for a better understanding of how our soils work and how we can make them work for you. Thanks to Farm Flight we offer another tool to develop this understanding by overserving your hard work in progress form the sky. We are happy to include Farm Flight as one of our features on the TopSoil® Tool to help you reach your goals.

David Hora
Continuum Ag | Customer Success

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