It’s Time to Start Thinking About Fall Soil Sampling

Rightway soil sampling can help you understand the health of your soil and how you can help.

Are you getting a return on investment in your soil fertility program? How did the adverse weather this year impact your soil and overall soil health? We can do soil sampling tests to find out.

What is RightWay®?
RightWay® is Continuum Ag’s zone soil sampling program. We thoroughly evaluate the soil based on assessing actual in-field variability and in-depth soil analysis to provide actionable, unbiased results. We start with satellite and aerial imagery that gives us a look at soil variability anywhere in the world.

Utilizing this imagery, we are able to create ‘zones’ within your field to assess the actual variability of the soil. We then deploy boots on the ground to collect soil samples (keeping in mind the variability) in order to get extremely accurate soil samples.  From there, we send those samples off to our various lab partners. Data from the lab feeds directly into our online data analytics program, where we’re able to provide benchmarking, analytics, and actionable recommendations.

Our data analytics system looks thoroughly at the soil’s chemical and biological properties, providing recommendations for lime, phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen, micronutrients, all while keeping biology in mind. The results are unbiased, so you can keep your other fertility management partners. If you want other input options, we can help you obtain fertility products based on our on-farm trials and our partner companies.
soil sampling

How is RightWay® different from other soil sampling programs?
The current soil sampling system uses 2 ½ acre grids and samples 4-8 cores per point. Grid sampling has helped us to implement variable rate technology and broaden precision ag. However, the current grid program uses linear recommendation equations, outdated systems that try to package nature into a straight line, chemical system. We now know that nature is a biological system, and we need to be able to treat it as such.

Instead of using grids and interpolating the data in between, Continuum Ag uses zones that take away the need for interpolation, because we’ve already assessed actual field variability and have not drawn assumptions. We take 16-24 cores per zone, so we get a much more representative sample that’s not thrown off by outliers. Another critical point is that Continuum Ag does not sell fertilizer. We want to provide independent, custom recommendations to fit only what your soil and soil biology need.

Our number one priority is you as the farmer and your bottom line. We’re also different in that we’re looking at the soil very thoroughly, not just the same handful of basic parameters that has been the same old industry standard for decades. With soil health testing, we are quantifying plant-available nutrients in the soil. We’re factoring in biological function and more sustainable management practices that help to improve not only your bottom line but the world as a whole.
continuum ag soil sample

How does RightWay® impact the farm?
As an independent soil health consulting company, Continuum Ag’s number one priority is the resiliency of the farm and outcome driven, on-farm economics. With soil health based fertility recommendations, we drive a return on investment for you as a farmer and create a positive impact on your soil in order to provide not only short-term economic gains, but long-term resiliency. Our aim is to help you to see those short-term gains, which we can monitor with testing and show that the systems we’re implementing are actually making a difference.

At Continuum Ag, we want farmers to be in a position to capitalize on sustainability trends in the market. To do so, we must improve fertility management and improve our impact on water quality. We want farmerson the cutting edge of understanding  theiroil’s biological properties and knowing the steps to maintain balance. Overall, building and documenting soil health gains are critical to be prepared for emerging economic opportunities and the ability to meet sustainability demands that are shaping the future of agriculture.

For more information, contact us ( and sign up for fall soil sampling on our website today!

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