From expert keynote speakers to major industry sponsors, the New York Corn & Soybean Growers Summer Crop tour shines a spotlight on corn and soybean production in the Empire State. This event features relevant, timely, and trendy topics as envisioned by our grower leaders to bring you the most up-to-date information and opportunities for the educational experience you are looking for. Network with New York’s best at the Summer Crop Tour!
We are honored to announce Mitchell Hora as this year’s keynote speaker. Mitchell Hora is a 7th generation Iowa farmer and the Founder/CEO of Continuum Ag, a soil health software company. The Hora’s have an extensive background in no-till, cover crops, and have lowered their CI score to -4.1. Continuum Ag has built upon this enabling farmers to quantify their field-level CI scores, get verified, and collaborate with biofuel manufacturers. Continuum Ag has amassed a footprint across millions of acres spanning 43 states and more than 20 countries. For his efforts, Mitchell has been named to the Forbes Under 30 list and AgGrad 30 Under 30 list.
Rodman Lott & Son Farms – 2973 New York 414 Seneca Falls, NY 13148
Date & Time
Thursday, August 8 · 8am – 3:30pm EDT
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM – Registration/Coffee
9:00 AM – Welcome/Kickoff -Colleen Klein & Tom Corcoran
9:15 AM – Low CI Fuel-From the Farm Up: Mitchell Hora
Mitchell Hora is a 7th generation Iowa farmer and the Founder/CEO of Continuum Ag, a soil health software company. The Hora’s have an extensive background in no-till, cover crops, and have lowered th…
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10:15 AM – Q&A with Mitchell Hora
10:30 AM – Break
10:45 AM -NY Outcomes Fund Update: Alan Martinez
11:15 AM – Break
11:30 AM – TBD
12:00 PM – Lunch/Food Trucks
2:00 PM – Cereal Grain Termination into Soybean: Brad Macauley
This matrix plot is planted with strips of oats, rye, wheat, and triticale as cover crops. Termination methods across the plot will be with; tillage, chemical prior to, at, and after soybean plantin…
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2:30 PM – Utilizing Cover Crops: How Can it Benefit Corn: Rod Porter
We will show various individual and mixed species cover crop strips. These strips were in the same location last year. Corn will be planted on part of the plot perpendicular to the strips across al…
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3:00 PM – New Uses-Soy
3:30 PM – Adjourn