Welcome to 2024: The Year of Carbon Intensity! 

Mitchell Hora, CEO & Founder of Continuum Ag talking about the value of Low CI Grain.

As I reflect on 2023, I am incredibly grateful for the strides Continuum Ag has made. Last year our team nearly tripled in size, and we achieved huge success across the board which gets me super pumped about the expectations of this new year. I think 2024 is shaping up to be Continuum Ag’s biggest year yet and we’re going to be laser-focused on all things carbon intensity (CI)!!

Why’s CI such a big deal in 2024?
In 2024, the IRS is set to reveal the long-awaited rules and regulations for the 45Z tax credits. What does this mean for farmers? Well, the crops we’re growing this year will be the very first crops entering a quantified low-carbon biofuel system! Our 2024 crops will contribute to biofuel production throughout 2025, potentially qualifying for the 45Z credits we’ve all eagerly anticipated. CI Scores need to be at the forefront when farmers are talking about crops, data, and maximizing profits.

What’s Continuum doing this year?
We’re revved up and ready to keep drumming up excitement for CI awareness! Our team is actively engaging in conversations with farmers, agronomists, and biofuel companies across the nation about the incredible opportunities surrounding carbon intensity. 

Our program, TopSoil®, rocked the scene in 2023 crunching carbon intensity scores! This year we’re working to enhance the software, making the process even more straightforward and aligned with any updates to the GREET model. Our CI Certification continues to be upgraded as we collaborate with third-party verifiers, biofuel companies, and other influential partners to optimize not just our position but also our farmers’. If you have any questions about any of these changes, contact your representative who will be happy to show you a demo and ensure your farm is top-notch!

Where’s Continuum going this year?
We’re hitting the road to guarantee that carbon intensity initiatives are a success! Personally, I’ll be speaking at 15 events in the next couple of months to ensure that farmers will be at the center of all carbon-intensity conversations. Come say hi at an event near you! 

Don’t miss out on this amazing chance for farmers, biofuel partners, and industry players to join forces and unleash the full potential of carbon intensity opportunities for everyone! Mark your calendar for these key events:

  • CI Chit Chat -Kicking off on January 2nd and continuing every Tuesday! Chad and I are here to dive into any questions you have about carbon intensity or upcoming CI programs. 
  • TopSoil Webinars – We’ve got an awesome lineup of webinars throughout the year. Stay in the loop by keeping an eye out for our emails, and be sure to follow us on social media and our YouTube page. 
  • TopSoil Summit – Mark your calendars for the highlight of the season – the TopSoil Summit will be held in Southeast Iowa on June 3rd and 4th, 2024. You won’t want to miss this epic event! Details coming soon…

Ready to get serious about Carbon Intensity?
Continuum Ag can help you get serious about Carbon Intensity in 2024 with these three easy steps:

  1. Gain visibility of your farm by securing a CI score.
  2. Take control of your data and add value by certifying your score. 
  3. Stay up to date with the latest carbon intensity programs and opportunities as they emerge to tap into maximum rewards!

Cheers to 2024 and buckle up for a massive year!

Thanks for being a part of it,

Mitchell Hora, Founder & CEO

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