From the Road: Arkansas Blog
I recently made the long trip down to Arkansas for my first soil sampling trip for Continuum Ag. It was an action-packed trip, leaving a trail through Missouri, Tennessee, Mississippi and finally, Arkansas. After being stuck in an elevator in our first night’s hotel stay, it could only get better! An appointment with a bottle […]
How our soil sampling program can benefit your farm
What value does Continuum Ag’s RightWay® soil sampling program deliver to farmers? We get that question a lot, and we get it. You want to know that what you pay for is going to provide value to your operation. What’s different about our program is that we provide insight on your farm that other tests […]
TopSoil® Tool: New Features, New Value
Over the last year, Continuum Ag has been building the agricultural space’s first soil health data analytics platform. We publicly launched the TopSoil® Tool in March 2020 and we’re really excited to share some of the new features that we are now releasing to the public for the fall soil sampling season. The TopSoil® Tool […]
Introducing the 2020 Mega Trial
Today, we want to give an introduction to this year’s “Mega Trial”. Over the last couple of years, Continuum Ag has helped farmers and our overall network to understand products and practices that can help improve soil health. We’ve been working with a wide array of different ag input companies to evaluate products based on […]
Plant 2020: Our Strategy
Well, not sure when Mother Nature is going to cooperate, but sometime here spring will stay! Plant 2020 is here! We hope you are excited as we are. It’s important to reflect during this time on the importance of our role as farmers, we are the shepherds of creation. We want to grow our soils, […]
What’s Happening to the Nutrients in Your Soil Over Winter?
“Wow, what the heck is happening to soil nutrients right now?” This is something many farmers are wondering. With extreme weather and rainfall patterns through the 2018 and 2019 seasons, no current soil prediction model can fully understand what is going on in our soils. Biology is continually functioning and changing within the soil, which […]
It’s Time to Start Thinking About Fall Soil Sampling
Are you getting a return on investment in your soil fertility program? How did the adverse weather this year impact your soil and overall soil health? We can do soil sampling tests to find out. What is RightWay®? RightWay® is Continuum Ag’s zone soil sampling program. We thoroughly evaluate the soil based on assessing actual […]