Water Infiltration

Taking the four wheeler out to the fields in Southeast, Iowa to check out the crops.

Where there’s water, there’s life. That is a saying more for Africa but also appropriate for here in the States. Water is the key to helping plants grow by being part of photosynthesis and moving nutrients through the plant. Where does this water come from? From the ground. Nutrients are drawn up from the soil, […]

New TopSoil® Features

Catalog explaining the ins and outs of Topsoil.

Continuum Ag has some exciting news! At Continuum Ag, we’re very excited to announce the new features that have just been launched to our TopSoil® software. The Farm Profile, Regen Returns® Report, and Regen Roadmap are all tools that are going to help farmers successfully implement Regenerative Ag on their farms, all while keeping a […]

TopSoil® Tool Launches New Features

From an event with Topsoil

In 2020 Continuum Ag received our first round of venture capital investment. These funds were to be utilized to expand our team as we implemented early go-to-market, develop our software, TopSoil®, and complete legal milestones for business success.  We were shifting from a direct-to-farmer consulting company to a Software-as-a-Service (Saas) organization.  We are still working […]

Monetizing Soil Health Through Carbon and Knowledge

Continuum Ag is your Digital Roadmap for Soil Health Success.

It’s really interesting to watch how agriculture and how farmers come in and out of the spotlight when it comes to political discussions and overall media interest. Today, we see farmers at the heart of the discussion when it comes to the new administration and their focus on climate and implementing regenerative ag systems at […]

Cheers 2020, Hello 2021!

Continuum Ag is working to engage, teach, and inspire farmers across the nation to better understand what’s going on under their feet, and utilizing the power of technology to do so.

First off, thank you everyone for a good year regardless of the crazy 2020 circumstances.  Here’s to a Merry Christmas and a happy 2021!  Although 2020 was filled with plenty of ups and downs, overall we’ve had a great year at Continuum Ag. We’re very excited to continue to move things forward in 2021. This […]

TopSoil® Tool: Sustainability Tracking & Yield Data

Monitor of a combine showing the important data that is important from harvest.

As we move further into fall, farmers in the midwest and around the country are excited to see the yield monitor and to evaluate how the year’s worth of work will pay off. There is a lot of variability in yields this year due to weather and soil conditions and especially in the soil’s ability […]

TopSoil® Tool: New Features, New Value

The features that are accessible with the new updates from Topsoil.

Over the last year, Continuum Ag has been building the agricultural space’s first soil health data analytics platform. We publicly launched the TopSoil® Tool in March 2020 and we’re really excited to share some of the new features that we are now releasing to the public for the fall soil sampling season. The TopSoil® Tool […]

Plant 2020: Our Strategy

Planting is under way at the Hora family farm in 2020 and this year they are focusing on sustainability and planting green.

Well, not sure when Mother Nature is going to cooperate, but sometime here spring will stay! Plant 2020 is here! We hope you are excited as we are. It’s important to reflect during this time on the importance of our role as farmers, we are the shepherds of creation. We want to grow our soils, […]

Understanding The Importance of AgTech

The technological use of drones can help us make improvements toward sustainability.

AgTech has been a buzzword that has continuously grown. It can be great, and provide a lot of tools for us as farmers, but it can also be scary in the sense that we’re being bombarded with a ton of technologies, data and new tools that can help our operations. At Continuum Ag, we want […]