Continuum Ag Welcomes Fifth-Generation Farmer Blaine Groth as New VP of Sales

Continuum Ags VP of Sales Blaine Groth

As we dive into harvest season, we’re excited to introduce you to Blaine Groth, our new VP of Sales. Blaine’s farming roots run deep, and he’s excited to helping others farmers find success by working with Continuum Ag. Family and Farming Blaine’s connection to the farm has always been strong, from helping his dad with […]

Driving the Change with Carbon Intensity

Continuum Ag's CEO & Founder Mitchell Hora spoke to farmers about the importance of knowing your Carbon Intensity Score at the UnCommon Farms Event in Florida.

This has been a really busy year so far. In January alone I traveled across 12 states attending meetings and conferences as well as speaking at a variety of conferences and events across the US. I wanted to take a few minutes and share a few of my key takeaways and some observations about what’s […]

Jacob Farms Joins the Billion Bushel Challenge 

Jacob Farms - Billion Bushel Challenge Team

Continuum Ag is excited to highlight our partnership with Jacob Farms in the Billion Bushel Challenge, led by Ryan Speer heading the ‘No Tillers’ team. Based in Sedgwick, Kansas, Ryan Speer became a valuable addition to Jacob Farms in 2003. Addressing challenges such as wind and water erosion, Jacob Farms implemented no-till practices, witnessing remarkable […]

Welcome to 2024: The Year of Carbon Intensity! 

Mitchell Hora, CEO & Founder of Continuum Ag talking about the value of Low CI Grain.

As I reflect on 2023, I am incredibly grateful for the strides Continuum Ag has made. Last year our team nearly tripled in size, and we achieved huge success across the board which gets me super pumped about the expectations of this new year. I think 2024 is shaping up to be Continuum Ag’s biggest year yet […]

Xtreme Ag Joins the Billion Bushel Challenge

Kelly Garrett form Xtreme Ag is partnering with Continuum Ag's Billion Bushel Challenge.

We are thrilled to share that Kelly Garrett … and the entire Xtreme Ag team are joining forces with Continuum Ag’s Billion Bushel Challenge.  As one of the founding fathers of, Kelly and his fellow partners are bridging the gap in sustainable agriculture.  “Xtreme Ag is providing programs that are designed to help unlock […]

Continuum Ag Launches Billion Bushel Challenge

The sun sets on a successful corn harvest in Southeast Iowa.

Farmers take Charge with Carbon Intensity Scores; Empowering Visibility, Control, and Rewards with Low Carbon Intensity Grain Needed for BioFuel Production. Washington, Iowa — November 20, 2023 — With an estimated 6 Billion Bushels being used for Ethanol production next year, Continuum Ag has set their sights on helping the industry SCORE (Carbon Intensity Score) […]

Uniting Farmers & Biofuels: The Time is Now

Low CI Grain Being Harvested

Washington, Iowa — October 23, 2023 — In a bold declaration recently, Navigator CO2 Carbon Pipeline canceled the $3.5B dollar project.  This moment marks a major reflection point within the push for low carbon, American made biofuels. Lack of a pipeline leaves a gap in the decarbonization formula and forces the rest of the industry […]

“Mitchell’s Takeaways From His First Time in Brazil”

Continuum Ag is working to engage, teach, and inspire farmers across the nation to better understand what’s going on under their feet, and utilizing the power of technology to do so.

Hey everybody, Mitchell writing to you here today! I wanted to share my experience and takeaways from my recent trip to Brazil, where we got to see a large portion of the country & meet with various different people & companies. Continuum Ag has been working closely with Carroll Family Farms, who invited us to […]

The TopSoil® Summit Takeaways… Great Success!!

Mitchell Hora and friends led a great discussion about Carbon Intensity.

The TopSoil® Summit was a huge hit and brought a lot of value to all of those who were able to attend. Those attendees converged in Riverside, Iowa on June 5th from all over the world. While people came from many diverse backgrounds and places, they all came to learn more about the latest developments […]