Farm Flight – Imagery Simplified

Satellite images from Farm Flight, a feature that is available in Topsoil.

Farm Flight has provided Continuum Ag with actionable imagery data on some of our client’s fields for the past two years. We are excited to share some of the advantages they provide with you! Farm Flight uses UAV and satellite imagery to provide a wide range of data over several spectral layers including NDVI, RGB […]

The 2022 Continuum Ag Field Day

Mitchell Hora, CEO and Founder of Continuum Ag sits down with like minded talent to discuss the future of Carbon Intensity.

The crops are planted, and the unofficial start of summer is here! That means it’s almost time for Continuum Ag’s 2022 Field Day. Our team has been preparing for months and we are sure you will enjoy our great line-up of speakers! Check out the days events: Open registration at the event begins at 8:00 […]

Water Infiltration

Taking the four wheeler out to the fields in Southeast, Iowa to check out the crops.

Where there’s water, there’s life. That is a saying more for Africa but also appropriate for here in the States. Water is the key to helping plants grow by being part of photosynthesis and moving nutrients through the plant. Where does this water come from? From the ground. Nutrients are drawn up from the soil, […]

From the Road: Arkansas Blog

Mitchell Hora, CEO and Founder of Continuum Ag is on the road talking to farmers about their goals.

I recently made the long trip down to Arkansas for my first soil sampling trip for Continuum Ag. It was an action-packed trip, leaving a trail through Missouri, Tennessee, Mississippi and finally, Arkansas. After being stuck in an elevator in our first night’s hotel stay, it could only get better! An appointment with a bottle […]

Farm Visit: Loran Steinlage

Soil Sampling in Southeast Iowa

This week, we had the opportunity to visit Loran Steinlage’s farm. Loran is a farmer in northeastern Iowa, and is a big name when it comes to regenerative practices. When asked how many generations his family has farmed, Loran says that his grandfather moved here from Germany and he still has relatives farming in Europe. […]

Ecological Intesification

Regenerative farming practices, including no-till, cover crops, and reduced synthetic inputs, are core to the economic resilience and environmental sustainability of our family farms.

As the demand for sufficient and high-quality food production increases, farmers are under constant pressure to improve and adapt. More emphasis is needed on farming approaches that minimize input cost while maximizing output. What if ecological processes are a way to do this? Biodiversity, especially insects, are often affected negatively by agriculture, but not if […]

New TopSoil® Features

Catalog explaining the ins and outs of Topsoil.

Continuum Ag has some exciting news! At Continuum Ag, we’re very excited to announce the new features that have just been launched to our TopSoil® software. The Farm Profile, Regen Returns® Report, and Regen Roadmap are all tools that are going to help farmers successfully implement Regenerative Ag on their farms, all while keeping a […]

The Dirty Glove Awards

Sun setting over cattle grazing a field in Southeast, Iowa.

With all of the awards farmers can receive, which is the one that is most talked about and most competitive? The national yield contest. Farmers from around the country compete in the national yield contest, very closely managing their small plots to get bin-busting yields that most ordinary farmers can only dream about. The amount […]

Why should you implement cover crops on your farm?

Nutrient rich soil breaks through.

The season of cover crop planting is coming to a close. Did you get any cover crops out in your fields this year? Cover crops can be expensive, and many farmers would rather spend their money on other inputs like fertilizer, chemicals, etc. This is a tough mentality to break. Benefits of implementing cover crops […]